About this site

This site was created in order to organize and make available as much information about these interesting stamps as possible. It is the hope of the webmaster that it will help and inspire collectors everywhere. If only one collector finds this site useful, its purpose has been fulfilled. If only one collector becomes interested in this exciting issue, it has exceeded all expectations.

Note: the 3 centavos Eagles, issued for use in Mexico City only, are not treated with any amount of depth here. They are of course interesting and worthy of being collected and studied, but they are beyond the means of the webmaster. They are also, in the webmasters opinion, grossly overvalued by catalogs (by a factor of 3?!) when compared to the rest of the issue, and therefore out of reach for most collectors.

A large amount of information about early Mexican stamp issues has been available to a select group of individuals for a long time. Those collectors are predominantly members of MEPSI, an international society specializing in the stamps of Mexico. The information related to the Eagle issue is found in mainly two monumental works: Leo Corbett's "encyclopedic treatment", which in turn was based on raw data collected and published by Samuel Chapman. These books are hard to find nowadays - Corbett's book may cost you $300 or more, if you can find a copy! However, if you need and want the level of detail it offers, the money is well spent.

In 2013 David C. Pietsch published a new book, based on Corbett's work, but greatly enhanced with data from the Postal Archives. There are few areas of information that haven't been updated and in many cases simplified or corrected for accuracy. I strongly recommend that you buy this fine book. You may contact me for more information using the e-mail address at the bottom of this page.

As good as those fundamental books are, they are also somewhat difficult to read. They contain so much detailed information that the casual collector may be turned away from the subject. It is the intent of the webmaster to make this site a "Simplified Corbett", relating some of the most useful and interesting information found in that book. The goal is ambitious, and it may never be reached, but it would be a shame not to try.


Some of the information available on this site should be taken with a grain of salt (or you may reach for the salt barrel for a whole handful): population figures as well as distances between localities are mostly estimates. They will be updated as I receive better information. For now, you should not rely on these numbers for accuracy.

Most of the estimates of survival rates are taken from the "3% rule of thumb" and from John K. Bash's articles in Mexicana from January to October 1985 titled "Some comments on the scarcity of certain Eagles".

While every attempt has been made to ensure the information presented here is accurate and up to date, it is advisable to seek a second opinion instead of relying on this information to be 100% accurate. If you find that incorrect information is given here you are urged to let the webmaster know. You can find a link to his e-mail at the bottom of every page on this site.


This site would not exist if it wasn't for the help and insight offered by several knowledgeable collectors. At the risk of offending the many who contributed, I will mention only a few who went above and beyond the call of duty:

  • Manuel Iglesias
  • Dave Pietsch
  • Doug Stout

Much of the information available has been gleened from Leo V. Corbett's monumental work on the Eagles. Without their effort and assistance, you wouldn't be visiting this website. Say "thank you".

Recommended reading

  • Leo V. Corbett: The Imperial Eagles of Maximilian's Mexico
  • Samuel Chapman: The postage stamps of Mexico 1856-1868
  • Joseph Schatzkes: The cancellations of Mexico 1856-1872
  • Nicholas Follansbee: Catalogue of Mexico, 1856-1910
  • Articles in Mexicana, the official journal of MEPSI